Hellooooo there

If I had a choice of a life I sure would have chosen, without batting an eyelid, someone elses but I realise every day that actually I fit my life better than anyone else and that no one elses will bring me the pleasure and fulfilment mine have done so far...and for that I am forever grateful and awaiting new adventures

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Too many things nowadays that we have to be careful of and for. I think over the years our world has become smaller and we do not have as much room to take risks as we did when we were children...ok ok so I talk to those of my generation...yes I played outside next to the road sometimes in the road competing with another as to who can jump up and down the pavements exchanging feet ...wow that was exciting times...then of course we played outside unsupervised...

So I ask what is it really that makes our world smaller..is it that the human race is becoming nastier, giving in to their evil side more often than they did before or is it that the human race is becoming ruled by fear and therefore they put in place rules and laws and systems that they feel will make them safer...

The result of course is that our free world for which we fought so hard is becoming smaller..that freedom is slowly disappearing...why? ...well I think it is because we decided somewhere along the line that it is safer to not take risks, to not do much and therefore made our world smaller and every year it gets smaller and smaller...our children are now indoors more than outdoors, they don't know how to write or process thought because they have computers doing that for them, they can hardly spell or socialise because of technology (texting etc etc)...when they finally do take risks they can get hurt ...

So many years ago we had less knowledge and I think there was great benefits to the not knowing and having to find out bit...now we know too much and we find that as a race we are turning against each other...we are imploding...we hunt ourselves.

So many years ago the message was that socialisation, good nurturing and at times disciplining and at times giving them some freedom...our children that is....was essential to allow them to get stronger and be able to survive the world, negotiate the shit that may come their way etc......This is the same message that I still hear but somehow it is not working as well as it did so many years ago...are we too controlled...are we too PC ....are we too scared....are we too desperate to show the rest of world that we look good on paper while we fall apart in real life....who are we measuring against?

How do we make things better...I guess all policy makers ask the same question but very often more policies and more laws are not the answer...maybe we should decided to live a life that would allow us to feel more in control ...one where technology, laws and policies are not ignored but certainly where their existence don't limit ours and common sense step in...our children encouraged to empathise with others, get hurt and ask for help, care for their peers and carry their parents in their hands and hearts ....

I remember being told that I must respect my elders always refer to them with respect...not their name as I am a child, to always remember that your parents are the anchors that keeps you humble....I choose to continue to believe that and I wish that some of our children today out there decide to join me because I believe our world will be so much better.

IT MUST BE HARD for some but heck it is not impossible....

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