Hellooooo there

If I had a choice of a life I sure would have chosen, without batting an eyelid, someone elses but I realise every day that actually I fit my life better than anyone else and that no one elses will bring me the pleasure and fulfilment mine have done so far...and for that I am forever grateful and awaiting new adventures

Monday, 11 March 2013

A few days of Do's and Don'ts

A trip 'up North' was the beginning of it all..so anticipating the long journey I dressed comfortably and thought 'off we go then'...

The journey there was good but I soon realised that I had not started off on the right foot...I had forgotten my shake in the freezer and became quite hungry...so the toll station came along and guess what ...YES YES I went for a naughty lunch/brunch what ever you wanna call it ..it was still sooooo bad for me that I continued on that path for the rest of the time...choc, hot chips, sweets, bread and more bread and more bread...what was I THINKING!!!!!!

Oh well I had to just pick myself up and start afresh...I always thought that my work was a bad habit but I realise that there may have been another reason why I work as much as I do....I love work because it is there that I do really well with keeping myself in check...at home I am SHIT!!!!! any reason any time anything to eat..YEP YEP that is what I think goes on with me.

Anyway we were in Kaikohe and the few people we met were so very nice and accommodating I felt at ease from the minute I got there. I felt comfortable..that is mainly because what people think of me did not seem to matter that much any more...in that moment in time anyway.

We trekked through a few lovely little towns not much going on there and I could certainly see why some people liked it and why others did not...I don't think I would survive in such a small place...boredom would kill me...young people must feel the same there...not much to do, no movie house, no mall etc etc...maybe that is a good thing though.

So we came to a stop in Kawakawa and it was only on the second time through that I manage to take a picture of the famous toilets...the first time through I used the loo and the second time through I took a picture of two. It was very nicely kept and I felt really comfortable using it ....no issues or phobes re cleanliness, germs etc etc...it was good but funny that people would come in to the loo to only take pictures and not use the loos.

Don't they look gorgeous??!!!!! yes it must have taken some time for the famous artist (Venice) to do this. Apparently there is a good story that goes with it but I can't remember if anyone told me and if they did I did not listen too well then...there is a garden on the roof as well and the use of bottles and colour glass just makes it all so beautiful.

Following my return home I was planning on doing the Round the Bays but my knee was giving me some terrible trouble. I was limping whilst up north and when I got home I had one day to rest it so to feel able to walk the distance...well I relaxed to a point where my back started to really feel like jelly...I needed to get up...well so I did and it turns out the pain was still there. I was really hoping that the pain would go but Sunday morning was no better...so I decided 'no' it was not going to do me any good to walk all those kilometres and hurt my knee even more. So I opted out.

And thus my eating got no better, my body felt fatter and I got more bored...so today I decided 'you will sort your exercise machine so you can get back on track'...I drove and felt hungry and was real good in passing shops that sold donuts...I said no...success for today at least. I also decided that I will drink water and maybe a diet coke in my car but no more eating of anything in there...that will mean I can keep myself in good order re eating and that my car will be clean. 

So today is the beginning of a new week for me...week by week by week for me ...and maybe just maybe at the end of this year I will see a good result....GOOD LUCK ME.

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