Hellooooo there

If I had a choice of a life I sure would have chosen, without batting an eyelid, someone elses but I realise every day that actually I fit my life better than anyone else and that no one elses will bring me the pleasure and fulfilment mine have done so far...and for that I am forever grateful and awaiting new adventures

Sunday, 28 October 2012

My new EID

So my Eid has gone from being called Labarang to Eid...from going from home to home to say slamat to neighbours to sitting at home wishing myself a good day....from having a family breakfast to having a cuppa and a slice of toast on my own whilst I wait for the honey to wake up...from eating eating and eating to only having one meal....one I had prepared lol.

It is very different...I call it my New Age Eid.....it is unique to me...

Saturday I spent with two friends and the honey. We had fajitas for lunch and had some good conversations...Fajitas for Eid some may think 'what the heck?' but for me it was a meal that I cooked and shared with others.

Sunday I spent with the honey and his family...this was eqaully fantastic...this time I cooked a bit more...butter chicken and rice....and then we had some lovely cup cakes and banana muffins..mmmmmmm....I enjoyed every minute of the together time...

I have family over here as well....just a different type of family but a family none the less...the feeling of aloneness on EID has somehow become less obvious for me.

EID is about sharing with family and that is exactly what I did. Thank you to all those who shared it with me.

EID MUBARAK everyone!!!

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