Hellooooo there

If I had a choice of a life I sure would have chosen, without batting an eyelid, someone elses but I realise every day that actually I fit my life better than anyone else and that no one elses will bring me the pleasure and fulfilment mine have done so far...and for that I am forever grateful and awaiting new adventures

Friday, 28 December 2012


I decided to try and get an upgrade and to do so I dressed a bit smartish but I could not keep up the pretence. My feet was talking to me and 'cussing' me really. I opted for comfort so I am now in my tracky bottoms and flip floppies or 'crocks' as Lucas refers to them. Give me comfort anytime.

I had a bit of a panic earlier on because the luggage was heavyyyyyy. Skye was a great help. Yes she took back some of my stuff. Not much but enough to leave me with at least 2 kg over. When I booked in I had no trouble at all. A very nice man and then I forgot to ask for the object of my desire today...a upgrade. So no upgrade for me today. I don't feel too bad though - I am fine with the troops. Hence the tracky bottoms and ff's.

So yes my travels begins now. Whoooopeeeee Nigel here I come!!!!!!!

PRESSIES !!!!!!!

I was getting so excited because XMAS for me means one thing ...presents...not that I forget that it means so much more to others.

Well this year it was a bit different for us. We could not spend too much on each other because we now own a home and that changes the face of our finances...anyway..spending is carefully considered.

I spent a lot of time thinking about this and decided some time before the season that I would socialise the idea in my home that "we are not buying presents". I know I know maybe not the best thing to do when you like getting pressies as much as I do.

So with that in mind I was not spending a lot of time looking for a presents for the honey ..it is always so bloody hard anyway....So I was particularly happy to go along with the idea of not getting presents. So off I went one Saturday to check out the sales and there before me stood the ideal present for the honey...of course I bought the thing...This was done without much thinking just knowing that he would like it...funny that.

I explained it away by telling myself that the honey deserves a presents after all it is his xmas...

When I took him to his presents...it was way to big to wrap or bring to him...he sounded really very excited. Back in the house I made myself comfortable to watch some xmas tv...while I sat there the honey brings out a wrapped presents...big but wrappable...half of the box wrapped in last years wrapping paper and the other half wrapped in the year before wrapping paper...the tape was blue!!!! Anyway as I opened it ...to glad to be worried about the wrapping.....and inside was a SEWING MACHINE...aparently I menioned it once during this year and now I have it...

I am glad to have a sewing machine and the honey told me I could exchange it if I wanted to...something I do not do...exchanging presents...in my mind it is a bit blah!!!! anyway I admit I get a lot more pleasure when I receive many little presents than one big present...so this realisation lead me to think about how best to change that for next year...because I just love the pleasure I associate with xmas pressie time...

So next year I promise that I will socialise the idea of spening only a small amount of money and also that we should get several small pressies that mean something...maybe that will work...WHY DO I THINK IT WILL WORK? i have a child like hope  :))


Monday, 5 November 2012

A letter

Blogging a way of writing a letter to someone or no-one..

It doesn't have to be long and it will never be too short.

It allows you to pen your thoughts without really feeling too exposed....

It gives power to fantasy and reality can be mixed in if you like....

Desire, ambitions and dreams and all those nice things can come out to play for the length of your letter...

I never really thought that I would feel the need to write a letter ....

But find that writing my little letter ever so often allows me to talk honestly about what is on my mind at that time...

This may not always be all good but it certainly allows me to feel relief that it is out there...now this can be a letter read by many or not so many or even no-one...the funny thing is that I am not that bothered...

All of this was brought on by the fact that I had an idea that I needed to share with a team and influence them to see what I saw...I feel that I did very well and today I have A PLAN...

Tell you all about it next time...that is of course if I remember to write about it...hehehehe

Sunday, 28 October 2012

My new EID

So my Eid has gone from being called Labarang to Eid...from going from home to home to say slamat to neighbours to sitting at home wishing myself a good day....from having a family breakfast to having a cuppa and a slice of toast on my own whilst I wait for the honey to wake up...from eating eating and eating to only having one meal....one I had prepared lol.

It is very different...I call it my New Age Eid.....it is unique to me...

Saturday I spent with two friends and the honey. We had fajitas for lunch and had some good conversations...Fajitas for Eid some may think 'what the heck?' but for me it was a meal that I cooked and shared with others.

Sunday I spent with the honey and his family...this was eqaully fantastic...this time I cooked a bit more...butter chicken and rice....and then we had some lovely cup cakes and banana muffins..mmmmmmm....I enjoyed every minute of the together time...

I have family over here as well....just a different type of family but a family none the less...the feeling of aloneness on EID has somehow become less obvious for me.

EID is about sharing with family and that is exactly what I did. Thank you to all those who shared it with me.

EID MUBARAK everyone!!!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Labour weekend

The honey and I drove five hours to meet up and enjoy a lovely weekend with his sisters and their respective husbands. It was a fantastic weekend and even though I may not have been to keen on getting cold ...when we started out...I was pleasantly suprised with how confortable the weekend was.

The drive in itself was equally fantastic...yes long...but so scenic. I was particularly taken by the burial grounds atop a mountain just outside Huntley...I found that really quite touching. Cemetries have always affected me in the strangest ways. I think it is about the respect I have for the dead and the wonder I believe each have had when living...I guess I also think it is a gift, a promise of appreciation of their lives and the treasure we need to recall when we think of those who have passed. I explained this morning that when people talk about their Pepiha it is only talk to one who listens and don't really understand...now however I feel like I have some understanding....their mountain, their river and line, their ancestry ....it means something deep and I have now a bit more of an understanding of what it really means to them.

It gave me a funny feeling, I described that feeling as mesmerising but it could just be a deep respect...which ever it was it was something really profound....

We arrived home early enough to spend some down time with each other and that was fun in itself. This morning I wished I could stay home for another day but this was not to be..,so off I went and had a very busy but short day.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Allo Allo

Hello again!!!! I'm baaaack!!!!!!

Here I am in New Zealand now for the past two years. A new land, a new job and kinda a newish life...

I am enjoying myself thoroughly and can't remember when last I have felt so free...free from those shackles that seemed so very heavy...dragging that for several years...three to be exact! I hated losing so much of my time...I never wished for my time to go so fast but those three I was glad to see the back of.

Now I am in a good placed and enjoying living life day by day.

Maybe it is about time that I start to focus on my next challenge...I know what that is but still find it so hard to say...so I shall keep it quiet for a bit longer until I feel safe to expose those deep down wants...mmmmmmm

Check you's next time hey!!